Thursday, March 29, 2018

Slow Motion

As humans we have the tendency to look at what we don’t have.  All around us are better things, more comfort, flashy, larger, roomier, advance etc. etc.  The never-ending list and cycle of wants.

We look at life and rate ourselves either by our possessions or by our accomplishments, but none of these truly bring us peace or satisfaction.  This is not really anything new, deep within us we know this to be true.  We have never been as happy as we were when we were children, before the competition and meaning to do something to make our mark in this world overtook us.  Back then we were just happy marking chalk on the sidewalk, or fingers in the sand, just that much was enough.

When we grow up do we really grow down?  We learn but in that learning we refuse to see the truth about ourselves.  We hide behind complexities which we ourselves do not understand.  If we come off too simple then we get judged as naïve, too complex then we get judged as clever.  In this battle of extremes our desires, wants and needs are clouded.  Clouded by not only what we want but what is expected, what is around us, and sadly what is fed to us.

In moments of silence and stillness we discover within us there is something else.  Within us there is the complete experience that even if its for moments at a time its calling on us to feel fulfilled.

This feeling gets replicated, when we feel love.  I have found that moments of meditation are very similar to moments where you feel unconditional love for others.  The challenge is to unconditionally love yourself in the same manner.  That would be the key to living not for the external but internal peace.

Last night before putting the kids to bed they begin cuddling with my wife, it became a picture moment.  As I watched them hugging and giggling into this line of sitting on laps for a moment I felt that unconditional love I have for everyone there.  Its in those moments that you see some major clarities and can comprehend the deep truth.  Nothing really matters, the only thing we can really give is love, the only thing we can get is love.  It is our misunderstanding that we can give or receive anything more. 

The mirage of illusion we seek to matter, we seek to fill ourselves with experiences, or some accomplishments that we strive for, only to feel empty every goal we make reality.  There is nothing to accomplish but love.  There is no where to go, there is no greater experience or destination.  It can be had at every moment if we catch that chance. 

They are very sensitive instants that happen quickly, so we miss them, because we are focused on the wrong things.  Slowing down is seen as counterproductive but living fast we rarely produce anything worth acknowledging.  However, just as in sports, it is only in slow motion that we can make the right call, its only in slow motion that we can see clearly, and it is only in slow motion that we can capture the most important moments that life has to offer.